Our Story
How it Happened

First Time We Meet
We first met on Facebook in 2018. As we got acquainted, what stood out was our multifaceted conversation that endured for long hours, exposing us to our strengths and weaknesses. We had conversations like we grew together, learnt from the experiences we shared together, and talked like we were going somewhere together. Five years later, we are still conversing🤣 and eventually getting married. What God Cannot Do Does Not Exist 🙌🏾. Interestingly, we have had turbulent times requiring resilience. Nevertheless, God came through for us, and we prevailed. As the saying goes ,'Agbacha likalika uche Chukwu g'eme (Notwithstanding the opposing factors and forces, God's plan will surely prevail)😊. One thing is sure, when we trust and call on the name of the Lord, He answers and grants the desires of our hearts.

Love is a beautiful thing

She Said Yes!